Mass General researchers explore how meditation can improve resiliency and prevent a decline in cognitive health, no matter what age you are.
Mass General researchers explore how meditation can improve resiliency and prevent a decline in cognitive health, no matter what age you are.
Vote for your favorite science images in the 2022 MGRI Image Awards, an up-close look at research at Massachusetts General Hospital.
A close up look at the MGH Metabolism Unit, which is working to understand more about metabolism-related medical disorders.
We are very excited to celebrate our researchers and the awards and honors they are given!
Abigail Kane, MD, is a post-doc research fellow at the Mucosal Immunology and Biology Research Center, working in Dr. Lael Yonker’s lab studying immune responses to COVID-19 infection and vaccination in children.
The Summer Safety Awareness Campaign is geared toward sharing science-based strategies to reduce the risk of preventable injuries to children this summer.
Leidys Gutiérrez-Martínez, MD, MSc, is working on research projects geared towards brain care, aiming to shift the focus of brain care from reactive to preventive.
The Summer Safety Awareness Campaign is geared toward sharing science-based strategies to reduce the risk of preventable injuries to children this summer.
la campaña de concientización sobre la seguridad durante el verano del Mass General Research Institute está orientada a compartir estrategias basadas en la ciencia para reducir el riesgo de lesiones prevenibles en los niños este verano.
Mass General researchers explore how firearm purchases were impacted by the pandemic, and what it might mean for suicide in the United States.