2023 MGRI Image Awards
Experience science through art
Submission period
Now - October 31
People's Choice Voting
November 13 - November 24
Image Awards Gala
January TBD
Submissions have now closed.
The Mass General Research Institute (MGRI) Image Contest was created in 2018 to showcase the breadth of research occurring across Massachusetts General Hospital.
Every day, our clinicians and investigators are pushing the boundaries of science and medicine to develop solutions to the world’s most pressing health challenges. What better way to provide a window into their world?
With the new year comes new categories and more opportunities to highlight the many faces of research at Mass General.
We hope to use this as an opportunity to not only share stunning images, but also to share meaningful stories about the science and people who make this organization one-of-a-kind. In past years, some of the most popular images were selected as finalists because of their accompanying story, so we highly encourage creativity and speaking from the heart when creating your image description!
Learn more about the 2023 Awards below and get those images ready—the submission period opens on September 1st!

2023 Image Categories
People's Choice (automatic entry)
In past years, we have held a live, public vote on Facebook, and the image with the most votes will receive the People’s Choice award. This year, our blog will host the People’s Choice voting.
All eligible images entered into the Awards will automatically be included in the voting. Images will go live on Monday, November 7, 2022, and public voting (via the page on our blog) will continue through November 18th.
*See below for rules about public voting

Mixed Media (videos, paintings, cartoons, etc)
This category is dedicated to content other than just images, such as short videos (<1 min), poetry, cartoons, comics, and artwork. For submissions in this category, please submit a video or an image file to the submissions folder. This can include images of the mixed media for items such as paintings.

A Closer Look
This category is dedicated to images that provide an up-close look into the world of science that the public doesn’t often see. Images in this category can include cells, tissues, high resolution scans, images of devices and equipment or anything else related to your research that deserves a closer look.

Humans of MGRI
The MGRI would be nothing without the incredible people in our research community. This category is dedicated to celebrating and recognizing the scientists and support staff who make invaluable contributions to our understanding of medicine, and showcasing the human side of research and life in the lab. Submissions can include team photos and candid shots to interesting glimpses into life as a scientist and maintaining a work-life balance.

Science As Art
Every year, we are consistently blown away by the beauty of science and the versatility of our research community.
Many of our researchers have expressed interest in art and photography outside of their scientific roles, making the Science As Art category a perfect opportunity to blend the two worlds. This category celebrates creativity, so almost anything goes as long as it is the original work of a Mass General community member!
Images we have previously received that would fit into this category include, drawings, paintings, digital illustrations, photography or mixed medium pieces.

Across the Bridge
What would we do without our research collaborators? This new category celebrates the partnership and teamwork with our collaborators across the bridge and city from MGH. In order to participate in this category, the image submitted must depict a project/idea that directly involved collaboration with MGH investigators/research groups. *Please note collaborators and external partners may only submit images to this category

Image Awards Rules
To be eligible for the Image Awards, you must be a researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital or an affiliated center. Participants can submit a maximum of three images/mixed media, and a complete form must be submitted with each image/entry.
All photos should be submitted as a high-quality JPEG or TIF file at a minimum of 300 dpi. To check the quality of the image, right click on the image and check the properties. The DPI will be listed in the details. We reserve the right to exclude entries based on image quality.
In order to be considered for use in public-facing materials (e.g. an ad in Proto magazine), images must be copyright free. If the image has been used by a journal or other entity, it is reserved for internal use only (internal display in research spaces).
By entering the 2023 Mass General Research Institute Image Awards, you retain the rights to your works while granting Massachusetts General Hospital and its affiliates the unrestricted, royalty-free, perpetual right to use, reproduce, communicate, modify and display the works (in whole or in part) for any purpose without any fee or other form of compensation, and without further notification or permission.
MGRI team members constantly monitor the performance of Image Awards entries during the voting process. If a participant is suspected of artificially inflating their People’s Choice vote tally during the contest (e.g. buying bots for votes or spamming), MGRI reserves the right to disqualify the participant/entry. Play fair and have fun!
Frequently Asked Questions
About the Mass General Research Institute
Research at Massachusetts General Hospital is interwoven through more than 30 different departments, centers and institutes. Our research includes fundamental, lab-based science; clinical trials to test new drugs, devices and diagnostic tools; and community and population-based research to improve health outcomes across populations and eliminate disparities in care.
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