To understand more about infant immunity and how to enhance it, a research team led by Galit Alter, PhD investigated how certain antibodies are transferred from mother to child during pregnancy.
To understand more about infant immunity and how to enhance it, a research team led by Galit Alter, PhD investigated how certain antibodies are transferred from mother to child during pregnancy.
Researchers have found increase in fire pit-related burn injuries in children and adolescents, with the youngest children at the greatest risk.
Gene Beresin, MD, executive director of the Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds at Massachusetts General Hospital, recently wrote an article about gaming disorder. For those who may not be aware of gaming disorder, or parents who are worried about their child’s gaming patterns, here are five things to know.
Experiencing adverse events at a young age may increase risk of mental health disorder, evaluating the price of skincare products for women and a new model for cancer treatments.
Researchers from the MassGeneral Hospital for Children recently published a review paper taking a detailed look at cannabis-related emergency department (ED) visits by pediatric patients.
Are the current clinical guidelines for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) weighted too heavily toward male patients? That’s the conclusion of a team of researchers from the Lurie Center for Autism.
Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have been collaborating on a grassroots campaign to increase the appointment rates of pediatric emergency care coordinators in Massachusetts emergency departments.
Researchers from the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital has developed a new testing protocol to screen infants, toddlers and young children for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) using eye tracking software. The tool could increase early detection rates and reduce the time and cost of current screening techniques.
A recent study by investigators from Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital found that children with August birthdays in school systems that have a September 1st grade cutoff are up to 30% more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD.
Many people have heard about secondhand smoke or have experienced it being near a smoking bystander. But what about thirdhand smoke? Thirdhand smoke is the tobacco smoke residue remaining after a cigarette has been smoked. It can be residual smoke left in the air, but can also accumulate on surfaces, furniture, clothing and in dust.Read more