How Andrea Edlow, MD, MSc and her team are studying immunization during pregnancy, and its role in maternal and fetal health.
How Andrea Edlow, MD, MSc and her team are studying immunization during pregnancy, and its role in maternal and fetal health.
Mass General Researcher Caroline Mitchell, MD, MPH, discusses the barriers to studying women’s health topics.
A close-up look at the Dekel Lab, which is working to understand more about the psychiatry of childbirth.
Body dissatisfaction can increase the risk of postpartum depression and eating disorders, with health consequences for mother and child.
A new team research effort seeks to shed light on how mothers pass immunity to their babies during pregnancy and lactation.
Young women and expecting mothers are one of the most-affected groups, and research has shown that HIV/AIDS can significantly increase the chances of both maternal deaths and still births. One Massachusetts General Hospital Discovery Foundation Fellow has witnessed the disease’s impact first-hand and is determined to help and give back to her community.
Sharon Dekel, PhD, an Assistant Professor of Harvard Medical School and a researcher and psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, is studying childbirth-related posttraumatic stress disorder (CB-PTSD), a condition that may affect as many as 5-11% of postpartum women.
In a new study published in Environmental Health Perspectives, a team of researchers investigated the potential connection between exposure to flame retardant chemicals found in household products— called PFRs — and pregnancy.
Globally, preeclampsia and other related disorders of pregnancy are a leading cause of maternal and infant illness and death.
In honor of National Women’s Health Week this week, we put together a few highlights of the many Massachusetts General Hospital researchers who are investigating important topics pertaining to women’s health: Eve Valera, PhD, a researcher at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, is working to learn more about the traumatic brain injuries suffered byRead more