Global Health
What’s The Path Forward: Overcoming Cyberbullying and Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion.
How bullying, especially cyberbullying affects the mental health of children today.
Read MoreFootnotes in Science: Q&A with Jarone Lee, MD, MPH and Shuhan He, MD
Footnotes in Science is a space where investigators bring you the behind-the-scenes details of their recently published work.
Read MoreFootnotes in Science: Q&A with Jessica Haberer, MD
Footnotes in Science is a space where investigators bring you the behind-the-scenes details of their recently published work.
Read MoreContact Tracing Relies on Individual Trust to Advance the Public Good
A global health expert from Mass General details the contact tracing process and how it could help limit the spread of COVID-19.
Read MoreWhy Climate Change Could Be Our Greatest Public Health Threat and Our Greatest Opportunity
By shifting the discussion from polar bears to pollen, Mass General researcher Renee Salas is working to raise awareness of the local impacts of climate change.
Read MoreHow a Global Partnership Could Save the Lives of Women and Children in Africa
Young women and expecting mothers are one of the most-affected groups, and research has shown that HIV/AIDS can significantly increase the chances of both maternal deaths and still births. One Massachusetts General Hospital Discovery Foundation Fellow has witnessed the disease’s impact first-hand and is determined to help and give back to her community.
Read MoreSurgiBox: Mass General Trauma Surgeon Helps Bring Safer Surgery to the Field
SurgiBox is an inflatable, sterile surgical environment that fits in a backpack and allows for safe surgery anywhere.
Read MoreA FRESH Look at HIV Prevention and Women’s Empowerment
Researchers at the Ragon Institute of Massachusetts General Hospital, MIT and Harvard recently published an editorial in Science Immunology detailing their efforts to combine basic science and social good to reduce the high rate of HIV infection in young South African women while simultaneously empowering them. Here is a brief summary.
Read MoreCan Beauty Salons Connect South African Women to Life Saving Health Services?
If you’ve ever spent time in a beauty salon, you know that hair stylists give their clients more than just a new cut, color or style. They often serve as friends and confidants, dispensing advice on relationships, family and work challenges. But could they also help to prevent unwanted pregnancies and stop the spread of a deadly disease?
Read MoreCuts to NIH Program Could Disrupt Infectious Disease Research at Mass General and Around the World
Mass General researchers working to stop the spread of infectious disease are worried that proposed cuts to the NIH budget would eliminate a key resource for global health efforts.
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