Macrophages serve a vital function in the body’s immune system— these white blood cells are in charge of engulfing pathogens, foreign materials and dead cells.
Macrophages serve a vital function in the body’s immune system— these white blood cells are in charge of engulfing pathogens, foreign materials and dead cells.
Two Mass General doctors from the Cancer Center and the Division of Palliative Care are hoping to help answer those questions using clear and simple language.
In honor of National Women’s Health Week this week, we put together a few highlights of the many Massachusetts General Hospital researchers who are investigating important topics pertaining to women’s health: Eve Valera, PhD, a researcher at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, is working to learn more about the traumatic brain injuries suffered byRead more
A new study from Massachusetts General Hospital reports that long-term regular aspirin was associated with a lower risk of dying from various types of cancers.