A more detailed understanding of the connections between brain networks could improve treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders.
A more detailed understanding of the connections between brain networks could improve treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders.
Zapol pioneered the use of nitric oxide for patients in respiratory distress, a discovery that saved countless lives worldwide.
The future of cardiac care at Mass General, promising news about a potential Alzheimer’s treatment and much more.
Congrats to two pioneering pain researchers, a blood test to predict future CV risk for diabetes patients and lots more.
Better care for patients in circulatory shock, tips for a good night’s sleep, the importance of the thymus in adults and lots more.
A promising clinical trial for a smoking cessation medication, targeting immune cells may help treat atrial fibrillation , “weekend warrior” physical activity provides similar heart-related benefits as more regular exercise, and much more
Frequent naps might improve brain health, women are leaving academic medicine at higher rates then men, and a prior history of infertility may lead to worse menopause symptoms.
What’s next in imaging research at the Martinos Center, Williams syndrome researcher to be recognized, the tweets of the week and more.
A Mass General oncologist has designed an iPad app to help patients navigate the challenges of acute myeloid leukemia treatment.
Weekend warriors reap similar cardiovascular benefits to more regular exercisers, getting a handle on the environmental toll of hospital waste and more.