3 Key Reasons Why Clinician Involvement in Innovation is Important
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#00a9ce” class=”” size=””]“The Magic Wand Initiative (MWI) cultivates patient-centered innovation where clinicians identify problems worth solving in health care, practice divergent and convergent brainstorming, collaborate with stakeholders, prototype and possibly commercialize solutions.”
-Lilit Garibyan, MD, PhD
Co-Founder and Program Director, The Magic Wand Initiative at Mass General[/perfectpullquote]
Founded in 2013 by Massachusetts General Hospital’s R. Rox Anderson, MD, and Lilit Garibyan, MD, PhD, the Magic Wand Initiative (MWI ) is an engaging, educational program that empowers physicians within any discipline to identify and solve unmet patient needs and teaches them the process of innovation. It’s designed by clinicians for clinicians.
This year, we have welcomed our largest US Virtual Magic Wand (VMW) Scholars class and will be starting our inaugural European VMW Scholars class this Fall. Visit our website at www.MagicWandInitiative.org to learn more about our VMW clinician scholars.
The COVID-19 pandemic paused our usual routines, showing us that we need to work to change the status quo and innovate. Clinicians play an integral role in this process as they have the front seat to patient problems.
We work to bridge the divide between the physician experience and formulation of critical problem statements. Since its creation, ideas born during our classes have gone on to become products that help patients. We are working to increase our impact and empower physicians globally.

Co-Founder and Program Director,
The Magic Wand Initiative at Mass General
Rebekah Davis
Administrative Research Assistant
Clinicians see problems daily, first-hand
While there are teams of researchers in laboratories working on the next big thing in dermatology, the physicians are there witnessing the gap between products and services available and the needs of their patients. The key critical insights into “pain points” comes from daily interactions with patients and from being involved in patient care. The Magic Wand Initiative® recognizes this and brings together dermatologists to use their individual and shared experiences to identify and brainstorm around problems worth solving.
Clinicians are the end users of the products
Many doctors wish they had a specific tools or products when treating patients. While some companies can think up the notion behind the item, many cannot get it exactly to the physician’s specifications. This leads to a potentially helpful product going unused due to lack of physicians’ buy-in. The MWI teaches physicians to incorporate themselves into the entire innovation process. This leads to increased efficiency, specificity, and the creation of better products for patient care.
Clinicians are passionate about the problems impacting their patients
Becoming a physician is a long and challenging career path, but doctors go through it because they are committed to helping their patients. Dermatologists see first-hand the struggles their patients encounter—from getting a bad case of psoriasis to removing a wart from an anxious child. The passion they have to help others propels them to dream big about solutions that can provide relief. The MWI provides the framework and education needed to turn these dreams into reality.
About the Mass General Research Institute
Massachusetts General Hospital is home to the largest hospital-based research program in the United States. Our researchers work side-by-side with physicians to develop innovative new ways to diagnose, treat and prevent disease.
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